The appointment of the new Anti Corruption Bureau director is being delayed by a legal action against the dismissal of Alex Nampota from the position, Attorney General, Ralph Kasambara has revealed.

Nampota is challenging President Joyce Banda for terminating his contract a few months ago.

“Firstly, we must follow the court process, that’s why am saying we are very committed and that we want to see this matter resolved as soon as possible. And after the courts resolve the issue, then we will make sure that within a shortest period of time you will hear that the new ACB director will be appointed,” said Kasambara.

The explanation from Kasambara comes at a time when the government is facing pressure from cooperation partners, opposition political leaders and legal practitioners to immediately appoint the new ACB director.

The Norwegian and British governments have since withheld funding for the graft bursting institution due to the uncertainty surrounding the bureau’s leadership.

The Malawi Law Society feared that the nation is heading for disaster in the fight against corruption in the public sector following the vacancy.

The country’s laws require that in such situations a head of the institution be appointed within a period of 21 days to avoid rendering the ACB redundant.

The situation has been compounded by the Parliamentary Public Appointments Committee’s decision to reject the appointment of the bureau’s assistant director Victor Banda as the deputy director.

The fate of Nampota remains unclear as though technically fired, he remains on the bureau’s payroll since his contract is yet to legally expire.

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