The European Union-EU says it is not impressed with the level of exports that Malawi makes to the region; head of delegation to Malawi Ambassador Alexander Baum said this on Thursday in an interview.

Currently only 30 percent of Malawi’s exports go to the EU region.

“I am not particularly pleased with the volumes of the exports that Malawi sends to the European Union because currently the country is failing to meet the growing demand for its products, especially agricultural products,” said the ambassador.

He said the EU is committed to helping Malawi increase her exports to other countries as it currently has a huge trade deficit.

‘We will review all areas which need the EU to help either in the long and short term to ensure that Malawi’s efforts to develop its trade are met realized,” added Ambassador Baum.

“There is a lot more to be done to develop the framework that will govern trade between the two countries,” added Mr. Baum.

Currently the EU is discussing with Pacific and African countries are negotiating Economic Partnership Agreements-EPAs, trade deals between the European Union and 76 developing countries – mostly former colonies in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific (known as the ACP).

The deals will lay the rules of trade between Europe and these countries for decades to come and affect the lives of millions of people.

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