Four men have died in northern region after committing suicide due to family problems this week.

All men resorted to suicide in light of domestic issues. In Mzuzu, Syford Ngulube, aged 40, was found died by hanging himself with the rope in his room, after few hours he quarrelled with his wife and chased her.

While in Rumphi a 28 year old Kondwani Nyirenda also hanged himself with the rope on a tree after disagreements with his wife and he was found woman who wanted to borrow a cup at the house as the wife was away since he chased her.

In Chitipa, Horribin Munyenyembe, aged 42, hanged himself on a tree again after he was caught red handed with a woman having sexual intercourse and the similar incident also occurred in Karonga where by 23-year-old Benson Sichali Junior died after hanged himself inside his house due to family problems yesterday.

Norrah Chimwala Public Region of Northern Region headquarters said, “as police, this is very worrisome situation so we are urging the public to seek advice from their community leaders or from police.”

“We have a victim support unit whereby we tackle issues concerning families for example a lot of people have been assisted and their marriages save so resorting in killing oneself over the problem is not a solution,” Chimwala added.

She also explained that the police have been involving the clergy to preach against this practice because it is the sin in the eyes of God.
Chimwala said, “We have been conducting meetings with the faith community because this people who kill themselves belong to some of their denominations and it is easier for religious leader to reach them through the word of God.

Ngulube of Samuel Maliro village traditional authority (T/A) Mbelwa in Mzimba, Nyirenda hails from Kasimba village T/A Mwakhunikila in Rumphi, while Munyenyembe from Kasutha village T/A Ntharile and sichali hails from village Mwangolera T/A Kyungu in Karonga.

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