A team of surgeons who performed a surgical operation on former president Bakili Muluzi is expected to conduct post surgery review today and produce a report on his state of health, Director of Public Prosecution Bruno Kalemba has said.

He said this was what Muluzi’s lawyer Kalekeni Kaphale told the High Court in Blantyre in chambers yesterday as part of the reasons for Muluzi’s continuous missing for hearing of the court of his K1.7 billion graft case.

His absence has consequently seen the matter, which began in 2006, dragging further.

“The court was this morning informed that the former president underwent an operation and the team of surgeons will conduct a post surgery review tomorrow [today] the 18th October after which a report will be produced.

“In light of this development, the Court has adjourned the matter to the November 15 [2012] for review and setting down trial dates,” said Kalemba, in an e-mailed response yesterday.

Kaphale, in an interview at the court, concurred with Kalemba on the date, adding his client was still in South Africa.

When the clock hit 9 o’clock in the morning, the scheduled time to commence hearing, it was clear that Muluzi was absent as Kaphale, Kalemba and Assistant Director of the Anti- Corruption (ACB) Bureau David Nyamilandu went to address the court on the way forward.

This is the second time, this month alone, that Muluzi has failed to attend his matter in court resulting is adjournment, having missed the October 8 schedule.

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