Former ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Spokesperson Nicholas Dausi has insisted that the recent resignations of top figures from the party will have no impact at all in far as the strength of the party is concerned.

He was reacting to the recent resignations of General Secretary Wakuda Kamanga as well as another DPP top guru Goodall Gondwe.

Kamanga who has since defected to the ruling People’s Party of State President of the Republic of Malawi Mrs Joyce Banda has told the local media that he has made the decision to work with government and help in national development.

“This is the time that we should put all our efforts together as a country towards national development and not politicking,” said Kamanga adding ,” Opposing for the sake of opposing will take this country nowhere”

On his part, Gondwe has told the local media that he has resigned from active politics and from the DPP in particular to concentrate on developing his constituency.

However, recent local media reports have quoted Gondwe as saying that he is ready to serve the Joyce Banda-led administration, a statement which political commentators believe that soon or later Gondwe would be making an official announcement to have joined the PP.

But Dausi has said that much as he regrets the resignations, the DPP will not be affected because it has got massive following on the ground.

“There are several people in DPP capable of holding the position of Secretary General,” said Dausi adding that the loss in the Mzimba by-election does not mean that the party is heading for disaster.

” (Winston) Churchill was defeated twice but went on until he became Prime Minister. So we will just reflect the future but not that we are down,” he was quoted as saying by the local media.

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