The Irish Minister for Development and Trade on Tuesday night pledged that his country would make a deliberate effort to provide technical assistance to government agencies such as the police and agriculture.

He was speaking after an audience with President Joyce Banda in Brussels.

Banda is in Brussels at the invitation of the European Union.

“We have much experience in agriculture and we believe apart from providing financial assistance we can help with some capacity building in renewing our relationship,” he said.

Ireland grows and exports a number of agricultural products which have helped boost the Irish economy. They include crops, milk and beef.

Before meeting the Irish Minister, Banda had an audience with the European Commissioner for Trade Karel De Gucht and the Minister-President of the Flanders Kris Peeters.

The latter assured Malawi of support in the agriculture sector and promised to visit the country in April, 2013.

“We are ready to assist Malawi especially in agriculture fisheries and we will not only provide financial resources but will help in research to ensure higher production is achieved,” said the Flemish leader.

In an earlier meeting with the EU Commissioner the same day, De Gucht told Malawi News Agency (Mana) that the two sides discussed prospects of assisting Malawi and enhancing the economic partnership with the European Union.

Banda is leaving no stone unturned in ensuring that the Malawi economy regains its lost glory in improving the living conditions of Malawians.

Running on a tight schedule on October 16, she also managed to meet the Mozambican President Armando Emilio Guebuza, and Catherine Ashton who is the Vice President of European Commission and High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

The Malawi leader is expected to hold a series of other bilateral talks after delivering her speech at the EDD 2012 conference at Tour and Taxis while in Brussels.

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