The inquest into the death of Malawi’s former leader late President Bingu wa Mutharika(2004 -2012) is expected to wind up later this month, a highly placed source within the commission of inquiry assigned to the task has confided to the media.

The incumbent President Joyce Banda appointed a commission to probe into the death of late Mutharika’s death in office.

The Commission appointed mid this year is expected to establish the actual date and place of death of late Mutharika and alleged attempts to prevent Mrs Banda from ascending to the presidency in the aftermath of her boss’s death.

It remains unclear as to when Mutharika died. Some sources indicate he died on April 5 at Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe after suffering a cardiac arrest whereas the former regime said he died on the 7th in South Africa where he was flown for further medical attention.

An inside source (name withheld) told Zodiak Online a report on Mutharika inquest will be out by end November.

However, chairperson for the commission Justice Elton Singini has refused to comment on the progress of the inquiry, saying he does not report to the media.

According to the inside source they [the commissioners] “have made some strides in getting information on events surrounding the death of President Bingu wa Mutharika”.

He said the commission has so far interviewed more than 100 people.

So far, Professor Peter Mutharika, young brother to late Bingu, former first lady Callista and Member of Parliament Agnes Penemulungu who was in a meeting with the late president when he collapsed are among the notable figures that have appeared before the inquiry.

Other members of the probe group include Dr Charles Dzamalala, retired inspector general of police Joseph Aironi, Dr Tiwonge Loga, Dr. Elizabeth Sibale, Fr Joseph Mpinganjira, Brian Nyasulu, Esther Chioko, lawyer Jabbar Alide and Pacharo Kaira.

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