The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has asked President Joyce Banda to dismiss Justice Minister and Attorney General Ralph Kasambara as a way of disassociating her government from reports that he has suspended a law that criminalises homosexuality in the country.

Taking their turns on the podium during a rally addressed by the party’s interim President and presidential aspirant, DPP national executive committee members accused President Banda and her People’s Party (PP) government of allegedly disregarding the aspirations of the people of Malawi by promoting homosexuality.

“This is a pure joke. How can a minister bypass all the constitutional and legal processes required by law and suspend a sanctioned law on his own? How can the President say she is not aware of it? I am challenging Joyce Banda today, if she does not support homosexuality, to kick out Kasambara from her cabinet,” said DPP regional governor for the Southern region Noel Masangwi.

He declared that if the worse comes to worst on the matter, the DPP will call for peaceful protests over the matter.

“I want to assure Malawians that we are not taking this matter lightly. The President must know that the DPP has capacity and mandate to mobilise its membership and other Malawians to demonstrate to show their displeasure over this decriminalisation of the gay laws,” said Masangwi.

Former information minister Patricia Kaliati, also condemned President Banda and her PP government over their stand on same sex relationships.

Kaliati said as a woman who is married to a man, President Banda should be the last person to promote same sex marriages.

DPP spokesperson Nicholas Dausi also condemned homosexuality arguing the practice is not Malawian as it clashes with the social aspect of the larger society in Malawi.

“We cannot allow this to happen in Malawi. Homosexuality is against religion and tradition. Let the very same God, who gave her [JB] the chance to rule this country to judge them,” said Dausi who was the Master of Ceremonies at the rally.

The DPP interim President Peter Mutharika did not comment on the matter in his speech at the rally.

Mutharika instead thanked DPP supporters and Malawians who he said accorded the party’s founder late President Bingu wa Mutharika the respect he deserved.

He also outlined his vision for Malawi if he and the DPP are voted into power during the general election in 2014.

Mutharika among other issues pledged to continue with the vision of late Bingu such as food security through the Green Belt initiative.

He also pledged to see the Nsanje Inland Port project through in the first few years of his government as part of the country’s economic transformation.

Mutharika also announced that the party will be holding its national convention this December.

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