The former ruling Democratic Progress Party – DPP – has asked the Minister of Health and Malawi’s Vice President Mr Khumbo Kachali to present to parliament a report on the beds that were moved from Mponela in Dowa to Mzimba as allegedly as campaign tool in September.

DPP Vice President Dr Jean Kalirani, who is also former health minister, raised the issue in parliament Tuesday morning.

In early September a top Malawi government official ordered the removal of beds from Mponela to Mzimba hospital, a development that astonished many, not only at the hospital but across the country until they were eventually replaced.

The Malawi Human Rights Commission – MHRC – launched an investigation into the scandal and found that ruling People’s Party –PP – candidate Raymond Nkhata used the beds as a campaign tool in the Mzimba by-elections held on October 9.

According to Dr Kalirani, there is need for the minister responsible to issue a statement “on what really prompted the transfer of the beds”.

“People are asking the ministry of health to give a full explanation on the Mponela bed saga whose consequences are still being felt up to date. Could I ask the minister to come up with a ministerial statement,” Dr Kalirani told the house.

Concurring with her, leader of DPP in the house Dr George Chaponda said as “the issue has been of concern to Malawians, there is need to issue a ministerial statement”.

But in his reaction minister of health Mr Khumbo Kachali said:

“The question could be valid but is not linked to the question on the floor at the moment. My take on this one is that I wish the collogue would have put it in writing and then I would handle it in that way. Let it come as a question and then we will take it up,” said Hon Kachali.

The 25 beds were snatched from Mponela Rural Hospital at night abandoning some sick children on the floor and were sent to Euthini and Edingeni health centers in Mzimba during campaign time.

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