Parliament has finally passed into law the Tripartite Elections Bill.

The amending of the country’s constitution has paved the way for holding of the first concurrent presidential, parliamentary and local government elections in 2014.

The country has failed to hold local government elections twice in 2005 and 2010.

Both Minister of Justice and Attorney General Ralph Kasambara and Leader of the House, Henry Phoya, hailed the House for passing the bill saying the move was long overdue.

“Let the records indicate that it was the PP government that brought the political will for this important bill to pass.

“Let it also be on record that the bill was supported by all political parties particularly UDF and MCP,” said Phoya.

British High Commissioner to Malawi, Michael Nevin, said the passing of the bill symbolised Malawi’s commitment to return to rule of law adding Britain will now move to ensure the elections are credible.

“I think the unity of parties over the bill says it all. Finally, the controversy is over. This government has taken some positive steps on the economy; it has taken positive steps in political governance,” Nevin said

The law was passed without any opposition with Speaker Henry Chimunthu Banda announcing the results indicating 148 MPs voted for the bill without any abstained votes or no vote.

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