State President Mrs Joyce Banda has urged people in the country not to politicise the food distribution exercise she is currently undertaking in various parts of the country.

President Mrs Joyce Banda was speaking in Traditional Authority Chimaliro in Thyolo district where she distributed bags of maize to some families which are facing hunger.

She as a mother she was to torched with the number of families which are currently facing hunger due to dry spells which hit some parts of the country last year.

According to the President the food she is distributing is been bought from the money raised by the People’s Party-PP well-wishers through various fundraising.

She therefore called up on PP’s party officials to involve chiefs when distributing the relife food for fear of politicising the whole exercise which she said will run up to February next year.

During the same fanction President Mrs Banda also elevated Traditional Authority Chimaliro to Senior Chief.

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