Behaviour change expert Timothy Bonyonga has said old men who marry younger women have become the biggest consumers of aphrodisiacs as they desperately seek mechanisms to satisfy their sexually-starved wives.

However, Bonyonga has warned that such men risk suffering from stroke, nose bleeding or Hematuria. Hematuria is a medical condition that refers to the presence of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in urine, according to the National Kidney Foundation, a United Kingdom-based patients’ charity.

“Most of the men who use aphrodisiac such as gondolosi and Viagra are trying to satisfy their partners’ sexual needs and, in most cases, this happens when the age difference is 10 years or bigger. In which case, the men depend on aphrodisiac,” he said.

He added: “Such men are at high risk of suffering from stroke when brain muscles rupture, nose bleeding after the rapture of small blood vessels or hematuria. This is because, during sexual intercourse, blood runs faster and exerts pressure on the fragile muscles of the desperate man who may end up suffering from these health conditions.”

Bonyonga, who has spent 22 years working in the public health system, said men should marry women who are at least five or less years their junior, as opposed to the old practice where men prefer women 10 or more years believing that their wives should not outgrow them.

He said it was not ideal for a married couple to have an age difference of 10 or more years, saying sexual desire is determined by age.

Bonyonga said under normal circumstances people who are less than 40 years need sex three times a week while those who are over 40 should have sex once a week on average.

“So what happens is that when a man is 40, his sexual drive dictates that he have sex less than three times a week. If this man has married a woman who is in her early 30s, the woman will need sex at least three times a week. This prompts the man to start relying on sex drugs,” he said.

He also slammed young couples who are fond of too much sex.

He said this behaviour was unhealthy as it puts the young men in danger of straining their muscles.

“The ideal thing is that young couples must have sex about 104 times a year,” he said.

Bonyonga said Members of Parliament must amend the legal marriage age.

“Behaviour change experts want government to enact a bill that puts marriage age at 21 because, at this age, one is sexually ready. But people should also marry when they have a stable source of income. Putting the marriage age at 21 years will also help Malawi avoid incidences of cancer of the uterus and testicular cancer. It is, therefore, utter ignorance on part of our MPs to maintain the current marriage age. This means our legislators lack knowledge,” Bonyonga said.

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