President Joyce Banda has rescinded her decision to appoint Vice President Khumbo Kachali as overseer of the Electoral Commission.

In a statement, government says much as the appointment was in good faith, government is committed to ensuring neutrality and independence of the electoral commission.

“Her Excellency the President, Mrs Joyce Banda, has listened carefully to the various voices expressing concern over the delegation by her to the Vice President, Right Honourable Khumbo Kachali, of her own role and responsibilities towards the Electoral Commission”, said minister information.

“Accordingly, the President has directed that the Presidential role provided for in Section 6 of the Electoral Commission Act shall no longer be exercised by the Right Honourable Vice President.”

This comes after criticism from local civil society and opposition that the president’s move made in her recent cabinet reshuffle was not in good faith and tantamount to interfering in the affair of the electoral body that is meant to be independent.

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