The office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) is yet to complete studying a file of evidence submitted by the Police regarding a murder case of former Polytechnic student Robert Chasowa.

The completion of the study on the file is key in the commencement of the trial of suspects implicated the Chasowa murder.

The suspects, who among them are political figures of the former ruling Democratic Progressive Party, business persons and law enforcers, are currently out on bail pending trial.

DPP’s Bruno Kalemba told the media that a decision on the way forward on the case will be announced immediately after the completion of file study.

“Three things can happen: we can either find it that it is in-order and we can proceed, we can send it back to the police for further investigation, or we can say that there no case and drop it. So, it’s until that decision is made then we may know how and when we are proceeding,” said Kalemba.

Chasowa was found dead on campus in a pool of blood in September last year.

The police reported that he had committed suicide, but a postmortem conducted by pathologist Charles Dzamalala revealed that he was murdered.

A commission of inquiry commissioned by President Joyce Banda also reported that the student was murdered and implicated some people who were arrested two months ago, and are currently out on bail.

President Banda assured the nation that those implicated will “face full force of the law” if found guilty.

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