A Shropshire charity that raised more than £200,000 this year has set out its ambitious plans for 2013.

Medic Malawi, based in Shrewsbury, helps to fund an orphanage and hospital in the African country and wants to expand its operations.

Organisers say 2012 was a record-breaking year for the charity.

Staff in Africa have been leading by example, with Father Petro Mzokomera, one of the organisation’s leaders in Malawi, helping to dig the foundations of a new building by hand.

Among the plans for next year are the building of a new children’s ward and eye clinic in Malawi, while closer to home a Three Peaks challenge is being organised to help raise new funds.

Stephen Drew, who took over the charity in 2011 after retiring as principal of Wrekin College, said attentions were turning to next year after the organisation managed to bring in £235,000 in 2012, almost double the £118,000 collected in 2011.

“We want to become a regional centre of help and build a new children’s ward, training centres for local young people, extend solar power, buy an incubator and open an eye clinic.

“A Three Peaks challenge is planned in 2013 after the success of a Snowdon walk.”

The fundraising efforts of the organisation have been assisted this year with a £100,000 donation from the Toy Trust, as well as new supporters like Shrewsbury School giving their backing to the charity effort.

Details at www.medicmalawi.org or from Mr Drew on (01743) 614597 and follow the charity on Twitter @MedicMalawi

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