President Joyce Banda will be doing herself a big favour to find a proper person to be her running mate, and if she wins in 2014, her vice president.

Current vice president has proven to be a chance choice just as Joyce Banda’s presidency is a chance one.

Kachali is huge in everything visible.

He has a huge body. His tallness is huge. The length of his teeth is huge. The length of his strides is huge. His belly is huge. The size of his clothes is huge. And levels of his stupidity are huge too.

Kachali has never behaved like one suited for the position of Vice President. His mouth is always faster than the line gears in his brain.

He talks earlier and thinks later, that is if he thinks at all.

One would expect a huge person like him to have a big brain. Alas, his brain is pathetic and mediocre.

How could a sensible vice president make a statement suggesting that Kapito’s case over possession of US dollars be resurrected just because Kapito is organising demonstrations against government?

Can a sensible Vice President fail to see the implications of his statements that critics of government will be victimised and that government agencies are being used to punish opponents?

When will Kachali realise that his actions are causing damage to his president and his party?

From his pakhomo pamanu statements in Karonga, to the snatching of beds at Mponela, the snatching of vehicles at NAC and now this remark instigating the arrest of Kapito shows Kachali is a loose cannon that needs serious managing, or ridding of at best.

It gives reasons to take seriously theories that actually he makes the blunders deliberately to destroy the chances of Joyce Banda winning in 2014 because he knows he will not be chosen as running mate.

Whichever is true, Khumbo Kachali is the best mistake that Joyce Banda made and it will continue haunting her as long as it exists.

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