At long last. Malawi’s old political party, Malawi Congress Party MCP, says will hold its long awaited convention in April 2013 to enable people choose new office bearers.

“We also want to use this indaba to have more young people join the party and take up positions,” said MCP’s spokesperson Mr. Dzoole Mwale.

Of late the party has developed cracks following pressure from rebels pressing the party’s President Mr. John Tembo to call for a convention.

“I cannot be forced to hold a convention. We will do that when we are ready,” that has been Mr. Tembo’s response for the past years.

However with the April convention approaching – Mr. Mwale, the party’s spokesperson, could not say if Mr. Tembo – in his 80s – will also compete for the position of President.

So far Mr. Tembo is being challenged by beleaguered Secretary General Dr. Chris Daza who has openly declared that he wants the party’s top seat,

The same April, on the 17th, the Democratic Progressive Party will also hold its convention.

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