Despite mounting calls from various stakeholders to stop the January 17 mass protests against high cost of living, the Consumers Association of Malawi has vowed to go on with the demonstrations.

Some groups, notably the Public Affairs Committee and Malawi congress Party, have been calling for CAMA to opt for dialogue before going to the streets.

But CAMA Executive Director Mr. John Kapito has stood his ground that the protests are still on come January 17 to press government address its concerns.

Among other issues, CAMA wants President Joyce Banda to abandon floatation of the local currency to the US dollar, cut on his frequent foreign and local travels, and declare her assets.

“Who do we dialogue with when the same government refused to respond to our concerns,” queried Kapito.

He said preparations for the national protests are at an advanced level in all the three regions of the country.

“What we have seen are insults and not responses to our petition, therefore, there is a lot of interest from consumers countrywide to go to the streets against the reforms,” said Kapito.

Kapito has largely blamed floatation of the kwacha as a reform that has led to the current high cost of living.

He has also accused the executive of being insensitive to the current economic crisis by continuing with external and internal travel yet the country’s economy is on the sick bed.

But President Banda has vowed to go on with the reforms, saying sooner the country’s economy will recover.

IMF Chief Chritine Lagargade, who was Malawi last week, also urged government to stay firm on the reforms if the country’s economy is to heal.

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