Malawi’s sole electricity provider Escom is contamplating on constructing three new hydro-electric power plants, Capital FM has learnt.

This comes as the government is funding phase two project at Kapichila power plant worth 22 billion kwacha and expected to finish in august.

A senior official of the institution, who did not want to be named, told Capital FM that Escom has identified three more sites for possible hydro-electrict power plants.

The official cited Mpatamanga and Kholombidzo along the Shire River, and lower Fufu on South Lukuru river as potential sites for the initiative.

He said this on the sidelines of a visit by minister of energy’s visit at Kapichila.

He further said the company is engaging in talks with different stake holders in order to enforce construction of power plants in the sights.

This comes as Malawians continue to experience frequent power cuts, largely attributed to maintenance of Escom power plants.

The new power plants are expected to greatly improve these power outages in the country.

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