South Korean University of Jeonju awarded Malawi president Joyce Banda a Doctorate Degree of Economics, Honoris Causa on Friday, in appreciation of what they describe as her efforts in improving the economy in the country. The ceremony was conducted at the university’s campus in Wansan-gu.

The Malawi leader joined a team of renowned and eminent global personalities whom this University has honoured, including Dr. Kim, an internationally renowned doctor who developed the Japanese Encephalitis vaccine, which is used against a certain type of brain tumor.

According to Assistant State House Press Officer, Fallys Ngalauka, Dr. Joyce Banda told the university that she was “deeply honoured and privileged” to have been conferred this prestigious award by one of the most reputable centres of academic excellence in South Korea.
Ngalauka said that Dr. Banda observed that the award was one of the “prestigious and high awards that a University can bestow upon an individual” and that it would therefore “go down in my life as one of the major highlights of recognition of my service to humanity”.

The President told the Korean University that she is an African woman leader who has travelled a long journey; a wife, a mother, a grandmother and that she has served as a social worker, an entrepreneur, a human rights activist, a Minister of Gender, Minister of Foreign Affairs “and now President of my beloved country Malawi”.

Dr. Banda attributed her success in life to “the various skills and abilities of the people that I work with”. She therefore said the award that was conferred upon her was an honour to all people that have contributed in one way or the other to her work and success.
She also paid gratitude to the “great people of Malawi” whom she said made the decision to create space for women to play their rightful role in all spheres of life including attaining the highest office of the land.

Jeonju University, whose Motto is “Truth, Peace, and Freedom” enrolls over 10,000 students.

“Her Excellency Dr. Banda told the university that she believes that truth, peace and freedom are the forms of language that is understandable to all mankind. She said it is a language that is spoken and understood by all regardless of race, age, gender and religion,” said Ngalauka.

The press aide also said that Dr. Banda brought to the attention of the Koreans that Malawi’s student enrollment in Public Universities is low due to inadequate of infrastructure.

As a result, she said many deserving students are left out of the opportunity to pursue higher education and made an appeal that Jeonju University and other Universities in South Korea to consider Malawi students for scholarship opportunities.

President of the University, Kern Kon said President Banda has been honoured with the Economics Degree for her outstanding work in reviving the Malawi economy.

According to Ngalauka, the President was also honoured for her charity work and fight for rights for women and the youth.

At the ceremony, the University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Malawi Government where among others, it will facilitate students exchange programmes, support the Ministry of Education with institutional capacity building and offer scholarships to Malawian students.

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