Shock has gripped the residents of Manyowe Township in Malawi’s commercial capital, Blantyre after a woman of the same area was found dead Wednesday morning.

The woman, only identified as Mayi Bisani, was found half naked with cuts around her chest area, in the maize fields a few meters from her house, according to an eye witness.

The deceased reportedly left home around 7pm Tuesday to buy some medicine at a nearby shop but never returned.

Her husband and children started looking for her to no avail.

The eye witness further said it was a neighbor, who discovered her body Wednesday morning in the maize field.

Suspects have not been identified yet.

Meanwhile, the Police have taken the body for postmortem.

A few weeks ago, another resident of Ndirande Township in the city was found dead in Nansolo River.

‘Corporate support to police’

The business community has now been asked to assist the Malawi police service in improving security in the country.

Vice Chair person of the Soche community policing Lawrence Gogodasi made the call after receiving a donation of ten mountain bikes from TNM Ltd.

Gogodasi’s call comes as most police facilities are not well equipped with facilities that can contribute to a good and effective service delivery.

The country has from last year been experiencing some security lapses that saw an increase in crime rate.

In response to the public’s security outcries the police service launched the Ndakuona (I have seen you) campaign, which encourages people to alert the law enforcers on any suspicious individuals in their areas.

However, some have argued that it is challenging to attend to some crimes scenes and do patrols as they do not have effective transport facilities.

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