We wish to take this sad opportunity to join the rest of the people that at this material moment are mourning the passing of Inkosi ya makosi, Mbelwa IV.

Not only was the deceased paramount chief a father of his family, but he was the centre at which the Ngoni clan of Zwangendaba Jere found its stead, relevance and promise.

Through this social standing, the M’mbelwa who has just left us brought to bear the relevance of his authority and his people on the nation by contributing in varied measure to different aspects of the development of Malawi.

Which is the reason as the family of the Zwangendaba Jere in Mzimba is mourning, the nation is sharing in the tearful moment.

Development takes place from growth points and spreads across its hinterlands and adjoining places. A chief’s place typifies that important growth point because it is where influence and mobilisation of the people starts from. This is the reason government takes chiefs as integral partners in development. When a chief dies, government loses a link in the chain of development.

Besides his relevance to development, M’mbelwa will be missed for his indomitable defence for traditional values. Not only did he ensure that Ingoma dance, among the many facets of tradition is maintained, he also ensured that polygamy does remain alive. And to lend expression to his zeal towards the maintenance of this traditional virtue, he himself led by example. He was a known and recorded polygamist. A leader had to leader the way. And did it, and did it well.

Which makes the tentative funeral programme interesting. It says that the Livingstonia Synod of the CCAP will conduct funeral rites through out this sad event.

We find it to be a fair question to pose: Why is the Livingstonia Synod of the CCAP embracing and presiding over the funeral of Inkosi ya Makosi M’mbelwa?

The precepts of the synod do not allow polygamy among its members. What has happened to the compliance of those precepts by the church with regard to M’mbelwa? Is this yet another testament
where a church has accepted to be sold on the counter of expediency?

A church must be a fountain of integrity, justice and truth. It is where people must see fairness being in action. What message does the synod send to the members that got excommunicated on the basis of polygamy when they see a declared and public polygamist enjoying the acknowledgement of the church?

It may not be too late for the synod to review itself and not further risk smearing itself with ordour of a church caught in the act of double standards

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