An international centre for child wellness that aims to improve the health and quality of life for children is set to be established in the country.

Accordia Global Health Foundation in partnership with the University of Malawi (Unima) is behind the establishment of the centre.

Giving details after an audience with President Joyce Banda at Sanjika Palace in Blantyre yesterday, Accordia Global Health Foundation president Warner Greene said Malawi was carefully chosen because of the state of her children’s health.

He said, among other things, the centre, which will bring about a lot of international collaboration, will help increase the country’s capacity to improve health care and general wellbeing of its children currently being threatened by various diseases.

He said the facility will focus on prevention of both communicable and non-communicable diseases like HIV and Aids, malaria, TB and malnutrition.

“The President is very positive about the project and has expressed her wish to see that it comes to reality. It will be the first of its kind in Africa, a state-of-the-art centre for children that will not only look at the health of the children but their total wellness,” explained Greene.

Unima’s Vice Chancellor Emmanuel Fabiano said the centre will be located at the College of Medicine but will involve a number of colleges.

“Our role is to offer training, conduct research and also have community engagements to make the people aware of what they are supposed to do to prevent diseases or malnutrition to achieve their children’s wellness,” Fabiano said.

Children aged up to adolescent level will be incorporated in the operations of the centre.

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