To say that Oscars are grand in the Hollywood community would probably be an understatement. But there have been many who denied differentiating among their fellow artists or calling one superior over another. It’s not easy for actors to establish a name for themselves, to become superstars, let alone icons; it’s even harder to struggle to maintain that name. And then the Academy tags one artist as an Oscar winner over another.
Nevertheless, life is not easy and competition is tough. The Oscar Awards have their positive as well as negative impact just like everything else. It has compelled many actors, directors, and screenwriters to raise the bar and challenge their limits, and produce some of the most extraordinary projects that will delight the generations to come.
This year’s Oscars ceremony was held on Sunday, February 24, 2013. Since then, there’s been an explosion of bloopers and GIFs, funny celebrity caricatures and memes, blog posts and comments by the general public, all delving into the fun of fandom.
We have compiled both impressive and embarrassing type of moments in our post today. Let’s have a look:

The *Embarrassing Moments* Hall of Fame:

There is no dearth of special moments of silliness and joy throughout the Oscars’ history. We have listed some embarrassing yet candid moments which prove just how human these stars are by falling over the stairs, or sometimes, making errors of judgment in trying to entertain the public.

6. There Comes Running A Nude Streaker!

1973 Nude Streaker
1973 – A nude streaker came running across the Oscar’s stage flashing a peace sign behind host David Niven. Clearly one of the most infamous moments in Oscar History!

5 Sally Field’s Speech Gets Awkward

1985 – Sally Field won her second Best Actress Oscar for film “Places in the Heart,” but her acceptance speech was a bit too much to handle for the audience. It was heartfelt yet desperate.  With an Oscar in hand, she thundered: “The first time I didn’t feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can’t deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!”

4. James Cameron in Deep Waters

1998 – James Cameron’s Titanic won Best Picture Oscar and he asked the audience to observe a moment of silence for those perished with the ship. Yet a few moments later, he screamed with joy “I am the king of the world!” and the whole decent effect was lost – as well as many people’s respect. It has been recorded as one of the most arrogant moments of Oscar history.

3. Angelina’s PDA with Her Brother

2000 – Angelina Jolie brought a date to the Awards ceremony and made out in public. There’s nothing wrong with that except for the fact that the date happened to be her brother.  The moment was caught on tape and replayed many times; leaving people wondering just how close the two siblings were to each other.

2. James Franco and Anne Hathaway Hosting Oscars

2011 – James Franco and Anne Hathaway being “spectacularly bad” and “boring” while hosting the prestigious awards ceremony!
 The worst moment of the night came when Franco dressed up as Marilyn Monroe….and need I explain more??

1. Jennifer Lawrence Tripping Over Her Huge Gown

2013 – And the latest: The Dior Haute Couture gown was a bit too huge to carry properly for the young Jennifer Lawrence. She stumbled while ascending the stairs to accept the award for best actress in a leading role for Silver Linings Playbook.

The Most *Impressive Moments* In Oscar History:

There have also been some truly inspiring moments on the stage of Oscar. Many amazing celebrities graced the ceremony with their presence and created memories to cherish long after they are gone.

6. Charlie Chaplin Gracing the Oscars

1972 – The legend Charlie Chaplin returned to Hollywood to receive an Honorary Academy Award. In 1952, he had self-exiled himself from the United States which lasted for about 20 years. The man wasn’t just a legend,, he was an icon. At the night of Oscars, you could tell that people were electrified by being in the same room with him. After the whole show was over, Daniel Taradash, Academy President at the time, came up the stage to introduce a film clip retrospective of Chaplin’s career. The film ended with the audience on their feet, and they gave Chaplin the longest standing ovation in Academy Awards history.
Chaplin was deeply moved and said that “words were too feeble” to express his feelings at that moment. Jack Lemmon presented him a hat and cane, which he wore, bringing another round of applause by the audience. He was, then, joined on the stage by an onslaught of contemporary artists, and the night went into history.

5. Katharine Hepburn’s Brief Visit

1973 – One of The moments when Katherine Hepburn appeared on the Oscar stage to present the Thalberg award to Lawrence Weingarten. She had received twelve acting nominations and a record four Oscars herself previously, but that was the only time she had ever agreed to visit an Academy Awards ceremony. That one time appearance she made in Oscars was the glimpse of a dream of seeing her on stage holding one of her Oscars.

4. Muhammed Ali – The Legend!

1976 – Boxer Muhammed Ali and presenter Sylvester Stallone sparred on stage claiming to be the real Apollo Creed. After the fun part was over, Stallone commented sincerely, saying that he might not win anything that night, but he would still remember it forever to be standing next to a “100% certified legend.”

3. Al Pacino’s Acceptance Speech

1992 – Al Pacino finally won a Best Actor award for Scent of a Woman. One of Hollywood’s greatest contemporary actors, Pacino was nominated several times for Oscars, but surprisingly, he never won. When he did win, however, he delivered a powerful speech, inspiring the young to try it if they think they can make it in the movies. The emotion of the moment was clearly visible on Pacino’s face.

2. Steven Spielberg’s Masterpiece

1993 – Steven Spielberg’s masterpiece Schindler’s List was so incredible that it finally won him an Oscar. The Academy ignored many great films by this film genius, but things were different this time. He first received an award and a large standing ovation for Best Director, concluding with a heartfelt speech. Later, he was called to the stage to accept a Best Producer Oscar when his film won Best Picture.

1. Halle Berry Making History

2001 – Halle Berry won the Best Actress Oscar for Monster’s Ball and the overwhelming emotion she expressed on her historic win. Up until 2001, there had never been an African American Best Leading Actress winner in Oscar history. When Halle Berry’s name was read from the Oscar envelope in 2001, she realized the enormity of that moment in history and broke down into tears and was almost unable to speak while clutching the Oscar for the first time. When she could finally speak, she let out a very touching speech, citing all the black women that had gone before her, and the colleagues she stood alongside in that moment. It was actually one of those speeches that can bring tears to many people’s eyes. Halle Berry is truly a class in herself.

So which of these did you think were most funny or inspiring? Let us know what other Oscar incidents we can add to the list.

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