In an attempt to disperse the hundreds of people who are protesting against the arrest of Professor Peter Mutharika, the police have fired more than enough teargas here at Chichiri police headquarters.

Firstly people demanded that the Professor should not be taken in a Black Maria Police Vehicle of which the Malawi police bowed down to the demands of the masses that are protesting within the police premisses; and the Professor has been given the Police Boss’ Vehicle belonging to the Commissioner of Police to take him to Lilongwe.

But as Former First Lady, Callista Mutharika was addressing the reporters who are here, the commissioner of police came to chase him and the people were very angry and they started stoning the police officers here that ignited chaos and the police fired tear gas!!!

As we are posting this we have been tipped that hundreds and hundreds of people have aligned in different places along M1 road going to Lilongwe, others are having heaps of stones with them!!!

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