Malawi President Joyce Banda might probably reshuffle her cabinet following the arrest of Economic Planning and Development minister Goodall Gondwe on Monday, it has been learnt.

Gondwe together with eleven other top figures were arrested on allegation that they tried to block the then Vice President Joyce Banda to ascend to the presidency following the death of former president Bingu wa Mutharika.

They were implicated in the inquiry report on events surrounding the death of Mutharika.

They have all been charged with Treason. Gondwe together with Peter Mutharika, brother to the late former president and interdicted State chief secretary Bright Msaka are also facing charges of inciting mutiny.

Gondwe is still hospitalised after he collasped on Monday soon after his arrest.

There has been speculation in business and political circles over a possible reshuffle, in the wake of Gondwe’s arrest who has since been charged with treason and inciting mutiny.

Presidential press secretary Steven Nhlane told the media that the president has not indicated whether she intends to replace Gondwe.

However, President Banda has already replaced former chief secretary to the president and cabinet Msaka with Hawa Ndilowe, following the former’s arrest.

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