First Gentleman Richard Banda is the man behind the planning and authorizing of execution of almost all clandestine activities in the legal fraternity in the country.

Although he is not under Malawi Government employment, Richard Banda, husband to Malawi President Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda, on Sunday afternoon, chaired a meeting at the sprawling Kamuzu Palace State House in Lilongwe issuing orders on how the 11 treason suspects were going to be arrested. The meeting was attended by cabinet ministers (names withheld), government prosecutors and two private lawyers Ralph Mhone and Fahad Assani.

A few hours later, warrants of arrests were obtained and Richard Banda’s own ‘close’ homeboy Foreign Affairs Minister Ephraim Mganda Chiume was spared although he was heavily implicated in the alleged treason plot. Richard Banda, is also reported to be the hand behind the recent appointments and promotion of High and Supreme Court Judges, the refusal by the State President to declare her assets and the plans to illegally unseat the current Chief Justice Lovemore Munlo.

Richard Banda is a lawyer by profession and a former judge. He had an early retirement as Swaziland’s Chief Justice due to ill health. He collapsed in the Africa’s only surviving monarchy before he was flown out for medical treatment outside. He remained in critical condition for several weeks and in President Banda’s own confession, he recovered fully after being taken to the Man of God in Nigeria, Prophet TB Joshua where he received his healing prayers.

In the past, a lot of Malawians have blamed prominent lawyer and Justice Minister Ralph Kasambara for all the legal machinations in the country. However, with these new revelations about Richard Banda’s roles, most of these allegations against Kasambara may have been rather exaggerated. Now that Richard Banda is in somewhat better health, he is devoting his time to scheming and plotting behind his wife’s throne. We can only hope that he will not fall sick again after elections in 2014 so that he can be held to account for his part in the evils of the current administration.

Malawians will be looking forward to hear how all of a sudden his legal firm Banda and Banda Company is being paid millions in poor taxpayers money for no work done, how all of a sudden his family including step sons Roy and Geoff Kachale have all of a sudden become billionaires and are now busy splashing money to friends and relatives, buying almost every big property in town including Naming’omba Tea and Coffee Estate and many other cases.

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