Some residents in the commercial capital Blantyre are contemplating of holding demonstrations against the continued sporadic water supply in some of city’s townships

The communities intend to march to the Blantyre Water Board offices to demand the removal of the management for failing to find a lasting solution to the problem, Face of Malawi has learnt.

For weeks now, areas such as Chigumula, Newlands, BCA, and part of Limbe have had no running water, with some barely getting a drop from their taps.

Other areas hit by the problem include Nkolokosa, Namiyango, Ndirande and Chilobwe where people are forced to draw water from unprotected sources, therefore risking their lives to water borne diseases.

A group of residents from Newlands and Chigumula stormed Capital fm offices expressing frustration over the board’s failure to explain to its customers on what is being done to finally resolve the problem.

There was no immediate comment from officials of the board on the matter.

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