Police in Malawi’s northern border district of Karonga are taking a bold step towards reducing crimes, which is reportedly rampant in the district largely because of its border status with Tanzania.

Cases of illegal immigrants and theft are common in the border district especially its southern part at Mlale due to three border routes of Nyika, Lake, and Songwe that surround the area.

Speaking during the community policing campaign that seeks to strengthen relationship between the police and the community, the national officer in charge for community policing Masauko Medi said they have set up a committee in the community policing structure which has been tasked to crackdown on illegal lags through the three border routes.

Medi however cited transportation as the major challenge facing the effort.

Senior Group Village Headman Mwagolera told the media in a separate interview that due to the transportation problem the police take time to report to scene of crime.

“Foreigners are using these routes, and we have been reporting to the police to tighten the security but we see no change,” lamented Mwagolera.

Karonga Officer in Charge Foster Mangani, who admitted of the security lapse in the area, commended the community for a good work they are doing in helping the police in combating crimes.

Said Mangani: “Mlale is sidelined in so many ways but the community is doing its best in reducing crimes in the area for example  recently police arrested 35 illegal immigrates who were reported to police by the community.”

Mangani assured people around the area that police will work hand in hand with the community to reduce the criminal cases experienced in the area.

At the function, police gave two cell phones, 13 reflectors and 20 whistles to the community for smooth running of the effort.

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