In politics, there is an ubiquitous nature of contradiction. Everything contains contradiction, without contradiction nothing would exist. Everything in the universe contains contradictions; ranging from ideas to social relationships. Contradiction is the nature of reality. However, not all contradictions are the same.

There are antagonistic and non-antagonistic contradictions. The later contradiction can peacefully be resolved. Perhaps we can characterize this contradiction as resulting from disagreements of the means to be pursued in achieving the goals. Peaceful methods of handling contradictions are preferable. A man’s head is not like a scallion, which will grow again if you cut it off; if you cut it off  wrongly, then even if you want to correct your error there is no way of doing it. That is the reality of politics.

We Chancellor College Students of the Democratic Progressive Party, DPP Wing wish to express our utmost disappointment, shock and unhappiness with what is happening in out big, mighty and beloved party, DPP.

Experience has shown in Malawi that Malawians trust parties which have strong intra party democracy and respect fairness, and freedom in electing various positions within the party who will then take the reigns of power.

We have seen how imposed party MPs have lost while independents have won in many cases. We wish we were talking about mere MPs in this statement. However, here, the issue is more serious. We are talking about high stakes and the leader of the DPP and torchbearer in 2014 and likely the next President of Malawi.

We cannot afford to make any mistake in the process to electing that person. It seems right now such mistakes are already being made and we would like to condemn them and strongly appeal to the DPP leadership of the party we love to get back to the democratic course and make sure the elections at our convention are free and fair and that the playing filed is level.

We have heard unproven reports of misinformation, ever changing information, etc. we hear numbers of delegates to the convention keep changing, so do the venue and the dates still remain misty. This is unfortunate.

We would like to humbly request you sir to make sure that the  elections in all positions at the convention  are not only free and fair but that are also conducted in a non-intimidating environment. DPP Chanco Wing would want to see justice prevailing in all the positions vacant.

The DPP, we repeat, is a big party. It is writing its history, victory or defeat everyday.  We as supporters who love the party and above all opinion leaders as Chanco students we feel it is important therefore that we jealously guard our prospect of retaking government by making sure that we are steadfast and organized at party level.

We as Chanco DPP love the DPP and will continue to do so with every iota of our strength. It is out of this love that we write this petition to you Mr. Secretary General to express ourselves on issue concerning our Party. We love the DPP. We want it to win. We are not campaigning for anyone. We are saying let us be open, democratic and level the playing field at our convention and 2014 is ours. We cannot afford to make any mistakes. Malawians are looking up to the DPP.


DPP Chanco Wing wishes to bring to your attention that it is very watchful and has a very close political surveillance on the events happening close to the most anticipated convention. We know for sure that the party’s popularity is steady and progressive hence cannot allow seeing anyone jeopardizing the party’s great promise of the future.

More especially now when some forces who are aware of our potential are trying to frustrate us. DPP Chanco wing will fight for putting people’s interests above individual’s interests. It is our profound hope that the forth coming DPP elections and convention in general therefore will be administered fairly and with all justice it deserves. And that the DPP will remain together as one mighty family to it victory in 2014 regardless of who wins on whatever position at the Convention.

GOD blesses the DPP. God bless Malawi.


Alfred Muwamba                                                             Diverson Mwanyongo

(Acting DPP Chanco wing President)                           (Acting  Secretary General)

: DPP Secretary General

: DPP Administrative Secretary

: UNIMA DPP Wing Patron

: DPP District Governor (Zomba)

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