Big Bullets captain Fischer ‘Anong’a’ Kondowe, also known as ‘Jahman’ or ‘Mablacks’ by his admirers will never be short of controversies. Just hours after receiving the GOtv Challenge trophy from Sports Minister Enock Chihana at Civo Stadium, the winger was spotted at Chez Ntemba Night Club in Lilongwe, where he was beaten and floored by a prostitute.

The footballer is reported to have been attacked after provoking the ‘night rider.’

The incident happened in the wee hours of Sunday, April 14, 2013, hours after the Flames’ winger had steered Bullets to a 2-1 win over Silver Strikers in a MultiChoice/GOtv organized match at Civo Stadium.

For winning the match, Bullets got K1 million from MultiChoice Malawi and an additional K1 million from gate takings, which amounted to about K5.6 million.

After receiving the money, Bullets decided to pay off all players and technical officials before starting off for Blantyre.

The team left Lilongwe around midnight but some players, including Fischer, goalkeeper Owen Chaima and Diverson Mlozi remained in the capital city to visit their relatives.

As the team left, the skipper went on a drinking binge at Chez Ntemba.

While at the night club, the player reportedly roughed up two prostitutes but when he went for a third, commonly identified as Melissa, he met a shock of his life.

Melissa is said to have punched the Bullets captain in the face, flooring him down in the process. As Fischer struggled to wake up, he was greeted with more blows.

Just like he does with defenders from opposing teams, the midfielder created himself some space before trusting his heels.

When phoned Fischer to get his side of the story, the player simply said ‘Itayeni imeneyo,’ (drop that subject) before cutting the phone line.

No arrests have been made and the bar’s manager declined to comment.

This is not the first and probably the last time Fischer has been spotted at a drinking joint prior or after a game. On several occasions, the player has faced disciplinary sanctions from coaches like Kinnah Phiri and John Kaputa for sneaking out of national team camp training to go for a drinking spree.

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