Police in Blantyre have released thirty students arrested on Wednesday in connection with protests over tuition fee hike at the Blantyre International University.

The school announced through the media that it had raised tuition fees from K200,000 to K260,000 per semester.

The announcement angered the students who turned violent and started destroying some furniture at the school and blocked the road at Kamba while chanting songs.

The police had to fire teargas canisters to disperse the rioting students, and the smoke even affected residents in Naperi.

Speaking to Capital fm, the students’ union president Hope Munyenyembe said the group comprised Polytechnic students who share hostels with BIU students.

They spent a night at Blantyre and Soche police stations and have been released after signing cautionary statements.

Meanwhile, the college’s registrar Kenneth Mtambalika has told the media that the damage was minimal.

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