Traditional Authority Bvumbwe of Malawi’s southern district of Thyolo has dismissed media reports that he was missing or went into hiding.

The youthful TA told the state television station Malawi Broadcasting Corporation during Sunday 8pm news casts that it was not true that he went missing.

But the youthful traditional leader was just “seeking advice” from the elderly on some pressing concerning his area.

His did not disclose the pressing issues.

“I was not missing and I was not even in hiding,” said Bvumbwe.

“ I was only away from my subjects for few days because I had some pressing issues which needed some consultations from the elderly,” the chief told MBC TV.

“ I have been to Zomba, Lizulu and other areas seeking advice. How can I miss for only three days? It’s not true and now am back home from where I was,” he said.

T/A Bvumbwe crossed path with governing People’s Party when he openly condemned Banda’s PP for distributing party T-shirts at a funeral.

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