MP for Zomba Malosa, Anderson Undani says he will not run again in 2014 parliamentary elections amidst reports that he has been forced to withdraw his candidature by President Joyce Banda who has imposed her son Roy Kachale to be the candidate.

President Banda comes from Zomba-Malosa constituency and held the parliamentary seat before Undani won it when she relinquished following her ascendancy to the vice presidency.

Undani is said to have been promised a diplomatic posting to ensure the President’ son takes the seat in steps to groom him for succession when she retires.

The parliamentarian has been bulldozed by the President to hold meeting in the constituency with senior officials of PP including Uladi Mussa to announce that he has ceded to Roy Kachali who will contest on PP ticket as a Member of Parliament during the 2014 tripartite elections.

When asked to comment on reports that he is being forced out of the race, Undani could not freely comment.

He however told a rally: “I will not contest for the unity of the party to win the elections.”

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