Deadline- 21 June 2013

Interested organizations are invited to submit proposals for projects that contribute to the achievement of at least one of Tilitonse’s stated outputs and intended outcomes. This program is funded by Department for International Development (DFID) Royal Norwegian Embassy and Irish Aid.


Capacity of CSOs to enable citizens, particularly poor and excluded groups, to claim their rights increased
Access to information on rights, entitlements and responsibilities increased particularly for poor and excluded citizens
Monitoring by Malawian organizations of policy and budget commitments
service delivery and public resource management strengthened
The engagement of Malawian organizations in influencing policies, strategies and resource allocations at local and national levels improved
Eligibility & Criteria-

Tilitonse encourages CSOs active in the Tilitonse objective areas to apply for funding. However, to be eligible for a grant under the programme, the following basic criteria must be met-

Organisations applying for funding must be registered within Malawi;
International organisations must be registered both in Malawi and in their ‘home’ country with demonstrated well founded partnerships to local CSOs
Organisations should have a governing or management board with a clear corporate governance structure
Potential grantees must be able to supply three years’ of audited accounts (or one year audited accounts for newly formed organisations)
If the organisation has not been audited for the past year but has letters of recommendation from the most recent funder supported with viable reasons for lack of auditing this will b considered (This would be requested from shortlisted applicants)
CSOs may apply singularly, in a consortium of partners with one CSO leading, or as a network
Submitted concept ideas/proposals must comply with the Tilitonse stipulated outputs

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