His death came as a shock but through our sources ,the former Tigers Captain Chisomo Mopiha had a wrangle with his wife. Two days before his mysterious death, Chisomo had a misunderstanding with his wife,suspecting him of cheating and they fought. A day later,his wife cleared every asset of the house,leaving Chisomo with nothing, this happened while he was away and as a result,he opted for Alcohol. He was drinking without limit. He was lastly seen on friday, 24th may in the afternoon. He died on Saturday but he was alone,his sister (name withheld) tried for his number but Chisomo wasnt picking up his phone. This prompted his sister to call his neighbour who eventually found Chisomo’s body on Wednesday morning but it was already decomposed. Police are yet to release a report but MSLNSF had its own ways to find out how he died.

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