When the relationship between the late president Dr. Bingu wa Munthalika (May His Soul Rest in Piece), and the Unima was at its lowest ebb following the academic freedom saga, the then chancellor had to brave the humiliating barrack/boos from the irate students when he attended the congregations at both Chancellor Collage and College of Medicine in the recent two consecutive graduation ceremonies.

The recent press statement from Unima indicating that president Joyce Banda will not preside over the congregation for the 2011/2012 academic year Bunda College of Agriculture students to be held (ceteris paribus) on Wednesday, June 19 at Chanco’s Great Hall, raises eyebrows of worry. It is a complete manifestation of undue inconveniencing of the academic plight at the expense of political satisfaction.

Though the statement has not clarified on the president’s missing out at the function, it is a general surmise as reflected by reaction within Unima that it is due to the “hostile” environment at Canco following her decision to snub students’ allowance increment demands. Evidently, she is afraid she may not withstand the humiliation she might face. In the long run, the congregation will be presided over by the Vice Chancellor-Dr. Emmanuel Fabiano. This is undeservedly denying the Unima graduating students their right to be conferred of their academic rewards by their Chancellor. Surely, if the president was not the chancellor, there would have been little need (if any) of requiring her presence at the function. Her presence at the function is sought solely because she is by default, falling in the capacity of the chancellorship of the of the victimized.

It is against this flash of event that has persuaded my reasoning to be aligned with the view of the proponents of the call that the Public Universities (Unima, Mzuni & Luanar) be graced with an independent chancellor other than the sitting president of the state as had been the case since the inception of the public universities. – MASKED SPYING PRESS

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