Irate villagers from Namaonde Village in Traditional Authority Thukuta in Thyolo went on rampage on Sunday as they overpowered a police unit in the area, took away two murder suspects and murdered them using hoe handles.

Thyolo police spokesperson Edith Likaka, confirmed this. She said this followed a wrangle which ensued at a drinking place in the district.

Likaka said four people from Maloto Village in T/A Mlolo in Nsanje went for beer drinking at Thomondo Village in T/A Thukuta and a fight erupted which resulted in Nsanje group killing 1 from Thyolo and 2 suspects were arrested. But the Thyolo group reported the matter back at their village and villages thought it wise to give it a thought philosophically, United We Stand Devided We Fall. Pangas and hoe handles were gathered by strong men ready for revenge.

“When Thyolo group went back to their village with the news, the whole village, carrying assorted weapons descended on Thukuta Police Unit, overpowered officers present, broke open the cell and took the two suspects to the drinking place where they killed them using hoe handles.

“The group further went to the murdered suspects’ home village in Nsanje where they demolished five houses and set them ablaze,” Likaka said.

According to Likaka, the matter is being investigated.

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