1.0.           Introduction

This report briefly outlines what transpired during relief items distribution exercise to flood victims in Mangochi, Phalombe and Zomba including destitute families from Thyolo.

Albarakah Charity Trust is a faith based non-governmental organization established with a mission to complement government and other stakeholders’ efforts in the provision of social services to the community in Malawi with emphasis on education, health and relief.

Malawi is frequently affected by a number of disasters, both natural and manmade which include floods, drought, strong winds and hailstorms among others. The degree, frequency and impact of disasters have been increasing, in light of climate change, population growth and environmental degradation. Disasters disrupt people’s livelihoods, endanger human lives and food security, damage infrastructure and hinder economic growth and development among others.


Malawi received heavy rains in December 2012, January and February 2013. However the rains caused floods in most parts of the country including Zomba, Mangochi, Phalombe, Karonga and Salima. The floods destroyed houses and washed away gardens, livestock and left people homeless and with nothing to feed their families. Most people had to shift from their homes to find temporary shelters at nearby primary schools and churches.  In some districts, the authorities had to provide tents for safety. It is against this background that Albarakah Charity Trust Management thought of soliciting funds from its donors to purchase several assorted items and to distribute to the brothers and sisters in the affected areas. The items was distributed to each family included 10kgs of maize flour, 5kgs packet of beans, 2kgs packet of salt, 1 kg packet of sugar and 1 plastic bucket/pale to 1700 households.


2.0.           Objective

The purpose was to fulfill the organization’s obligation in complimenting government and other stakeholder’s efforts in providing social support and protection to the venerable groups of the society.

To bring hope to the affected families through the distribution of relief items and enable them live a normal life again.

3.0.           Donation.

The Donor (Albarakah Trustees) released a total amount of 8.2 million Kwacha and the following quantities were bought.




Cheque Received from the Donor







Maize 9552/bags(average) 380 bags



Beans (5kgs) 305/kgs 7500 (170 bags)



Salt (2kgs) 20kgs bags 1700 (175 bags)



Buckets (20 liters) 770/buckets 1700 buckets



Sugar (1kg packets) 6,600 /bale 1700 (85 bales)


Total Deficit     172,500.00


4.0.         Scope of the Work

The scope of work encompassed such areas as:

  1. i.                    Purchases;
  • Quotations were collected from different suppliers to quantify and justify the prices before purchasing.
  • Plastic buckets were purchased from Arky Plastics Limited
  • Sugar and salt were purchased from Right Price Limited
  • Beans and Maize were bought from 3 different suppliers.
  1. ii.                 Milling of Maize flour and Packing;

Albarakah undertook the responsibility of milling the maize and parking the maize flour as well as parking of beans and salt.

  1. iii.               Distribution Exercise;

The distribution exercise started on 21st March 2013 as shown in the table below;



 Date  Camp Name  District  No.of Beneficiaries


21/03/2013 Chimkhwangwa Zomba 477


23/03/2013 Malambwe Phalombe 444


26/03/2013 Makawa Mangochi 400


27/03/2013 Bona & Tchereni Phalombe 279


28/03/2013 Ngomano village/Bvumbwe Thyolo 100
                       TOTAL                                                                                                                1,700

Distribution Table

5.0.           Observation;


During the exercise the following were observed;


  1. There was proper coordination and good working relations ship between the office of Albarakah and the office of the District Commissioners of the affected districts.
  2. Slow or less response from the developmental partners and stakeholders in giving the most required assistance.
  3. Most organizations have got their area of interest where they are concentrating and much of their aid is being channeled to those particular areas.
  4. There was thorough monitoring and supervision by the top management during the whole exercise.
  5. There was hard work and team spirit among the staff including the top managers

6.0.           Challenges;

  1. Political influence in one of the affected areas prevented the team to distribute the items and opted for another affected area from the same district.

7.0.           Recommendations;

  1. There is need to established a department of Relief that would look into all relief related issues.
  2. There a need to provide the people with plastics and other building materials to enable them build temporary houses as a short term measure
  3. There is need for authorities to provide the people with farm inputs for the people to replant as a long term plan of alleviating the suffering.


8.0.           Conclusion

The chairman of council, management and staff of Albarakah Charity Trust (ACT) would like to thank the Chairman of board of Trustees of Albarakah Charity Trust for the donation which assisted our brothers and sisters who were affected by floods in the mentioned districts. The relief items brought the lives of people to normal. May Allah (SW) bless the entire family of maruhum Munif Nahald, Ameen.


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