Polytechnic Students Union has written this

The Polytechnic Students Union wishes to inform students that the decision by Unima council to reopen the colleges is a welcome idea because the union would like to see the students finishing and continuing their studies without hindrance and political disturbances as has been the case recently.

However, if we go by the memo in the Daily Times of Today, the 6th June, 2013, council has indicated that the college will write students individually to express their willingness to resume classes out of their volition.

PSU has not been communicated on the same by our local management as was the case with Chancellor College Students Union. PSU believes that council is using Chancellor college as an experiment on the consent forms to test the strength of the Union.

You are aware that some PP sponsored students disguised as concerned students and wanted to frustrate the majority of the students who were pursuing the issues under the leadership of SUCC.

The Polytechnic community will not be intimidated by the action that the council has taken. Mind you, the decision to boycott classes was made in the general assembly and as such any other decision that will affect the PSU members will be similarly made in the general assembly.

Remember that the union has a constitution mandate to protect its members from unfairness, duress, intimidation as spelt in section 5.1.

PSU members took an oath to constitutionally defend and protect the constitution and nothing will sway us away from doing exactly that.

The memo in the daily times has no substance nor details on how this process shall be conducted. The decision itself is desperate deliberate political statement so that he public should see that the council and government are doing something to resolving our grievances. It is an empty message intended to divert public attention from the unnecessary travels of the Chancellor, Minister of education’s silence on the issue and poor austerity measures currently nder question.

PSU is strongly discouraging all students from signing forms.

You need to know that this is the last weapon that the council might use and that if manage to dodge it we shall thereafter be granted our needs.

Remember that this fight is not only for us but even our brothers, sisters, daughters and sons who will at
one point in time access tertiary education at this varsity.

If 2003 PSU union was weak, the fees for unima students now would have been MK950,000.00.

We are doing our best to finding solutions to these problems by approaching different stakeholders such parliamentary committee on education, lawyers, education activists, human rights activists and many others.

Let us all remain united as has been tradition at Poly.

We are known for our consistency and maturityin the way we handle our issues.

Am proud of you
engineers, accountants, surveyors, technologists,
mathematicians and the rest of Wadiyans.

Very soon this shall be the past.!

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