Her Excellency President Dr Joyce Banda leaves London, United Kingdom, on 11 June, 2013 for Geneva, Switzerland where she will deliver a keynote address to the 102nd Session of the ILO’s Annual International Labour Conference.

President Banda who has been invited by ILO Director General, Guy Ryder, will in her address highlight Malawi’s efforts for better employment and income-generation opportunities partucularly for youth, women and people with disabilities.

The President will also talk about her government’s effforts to eliminate worst forms of child labour and social partners and how these will contribute to the realisation of her vision, namely to transform the economy to achieve economic growth and accelerate job creation and protect people.

The summit will outline the ILO’s vision and plan of action to overcome the global crisis of decent work as the organisation approaches 2019.

The conference will also feature discussions on social dialogue and on employment and social protection in the new demographic context, sustainable devlopment and decent work.

Commenting on President Banda’s vision to atke Malawi out of poverty, the ILO Director General, Guy Ryder said:

“The importance you attach to labour and employment related issues as one of the development priorities of your country is particularly encouraging from ILO2s perctivie”.

Ryder was optmistic President Banda would help mobilise action for the common task of affording women and men the opportunity to work in conditions of dignity and reedom, equity and security with startegies that support economic gowth and sustainable development.

Appreciating the setbacks in the global economy Ryder however said Africa’s growth has remained largely on track. But he noted that the world of work has not been immune and the realisation of decent work goals remains a challenge.
“We must act urgently. In rising to this collective challenge societies will be building a strong foundation for stability and cohesion.

Note to Editors

The ILO brings together representative of governments, employers and workers from 185 member states.

Globally the financial crisis has left 30 million more people jobless than was the case before crisis and resulted in 40 million more simply leaving the labour force.