Inkosi ya Makosi Gomani V, the paramount chief of the Maseko Ngoni has described the loss of their mother language as a matter of matter of profound regret and a huge mistake which should be addressed through intensive teaching and learning programmes.

“It is a pity that many Maseko Ngonis today cannot speak our mother language. We should not take pride in diluting our own language by speaking languages of other groups. It is time we promote both speaking and writing of our own language,” he said.

The youthful paramount chief said it was difficult to claim that the Maseko Ngonis value their culture when they cannot speak their own language.

Speaking at his Lizulu Headquarters in Ntcheu, Gomani V said their language can easily be revived if cultural programmes target school-going children who are eager to learn new things.

He also disclosed that as part of cultural preservation the Maseko Ngonis have set aside August 30 as the day they will hold a cultural festival to celebrate and showcase their culture, traditions, and values.

According to National Chair of the Maseko Ngoni Heritage, Lucy Nakonyani, the Cultural Day will be celebrated at Gongolo Village near Ntcheu Boma, at the site where the legendary patriarch Inkosi Gomani ya Makosi Gomani I was buried (where his grave is).

“The place is a reminder to us the Maseko Ngonis of our roots. It is also a way of honouring our ancestors and part of the programme of the cultural day includes tracing those old people in our societies that would on the day also provide raw information (history) of our ethnic grouping,” she said in an interview.

Nakonyani said preparations for the Maseko Ngoni Cultural Day slated for August 30 are at an advanced stage.

“August 30 will be a great day for the Maseko Ngonis. With the support we have received from the traditional authorities, we are optimistic that we will have a grand event in August,” she said.

She, however, asked well-wishers to continue supporting preparations for the event. – By Francis Tayanjah-Phiri

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