The Democratic Progressive Party-DPP wishes to inform its supporters and the nation at large that it has uncovered a plot by the ruling People’s Party to scheme the arrest of its President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika on Saturday 29th June immediately Parliament rises sine die.

Our sources within the government mac…hinery have confided to us that Professor Peter Mutharika will be arrested in connection with the alleged 61 billion Kwacha Bingu estates valuations as an accomplice using the money laundering Law.

We in the DPP find these assertions by the ruling elite as political witch hunt aimed at targeting individuals deemed political mountains to government. We are surprised and failing to connect Peter Mutharika to the alleged bank accounts especially when one thinks how it is impossible to penetrate personal bank accounts as every account is confidential to its holder.

However the Democratic Progressive Party recollects what the ruling party has been doing to Professor Mutharika to each and every thorn in their skin. For example:

.When primary school teachers and their students went on strike a few months ago government alleged it was Peter inciting

.When civil servants downed their tools the PP top brass accused Professor Mutharika for this

.When Inkosi Bvumbwe went into hiding for fear of regime thugs, it was Peter doing it

. When journalists pleaded with President Joyce Banda to sign the Table Mountain declaration, its Peter who sponsored them
. When CAMA demonstrated over the rising cost of living the Peoples Party pointed at Mutharika for this

.When CONGOMA decried government’s poor economic policies all fingers pointed at Peter Mutharika

We therefore wish to inform all Malawians of goodwill that no matter how strong the storm may be. No matter how thick

forests have been planted, the DPP President remain focused and is tirelessly working to eradicate peoples sufferingnext year.

We are surprised considering how quick the Peoples Party followers have connected Professors Peter Mutharika’s political life to Late Bingu’s alleged Bank accounts.

When Kamuzu Banda was arrested by the colonial masters, did this have an impact on his relations’ political career? We have active Chihanas in politics today though late Chakufwa Chihana was arrested by the MCP regime. When Dr Bakili Muluzi was arrested for alleged corruption, did this taint the political career of his Son Atupele? Certainly not!


Considering how quick the conclusions have been made on this story, Special Television and Radio Programmes being produced and aired on Bingu’s wealth allegations, the DPP is smelling a rat that there are some under currents desperately chasing their own shadows.

The DPP is aware that teams have been sent to London and Washington to investigate on Peter’s alleged dual citizenship but they have yielded nothing. Therefore we are convinced that the forthcoming planned arrest of Professor Mutharika is a desperate attempt by government to silence our leader who is now a household name and very popular across the country as he is the only alternative in next year’s Presidential race.


We then take this opportunity to offer this free advice to President Joyce Banda to abandon handcuff politics and instead direct her strength towards uplifting peoples standards as in 2014 she will not be judged by how many political opponents she has arrested but how much development she has done to the country. Malawians need food on their table. They need Security and Development too.

To all DPP followers we say don’t be scared. The night might be long but Joy Comes in the morning.


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