The forthcoming MCP convention which will among others, elect the party’s presidential candidate for next year’s elections, was facing a shortfall of K15 million.

The party has however resolved to introduce the fees as one way of screening the aspirants and also raise funds for the indaba.

Initially the party was facing logistical challenges to hold the convention.

Out of the K35 million (about $84 000) budgeted for the convention, we have only managed to raise K20 million (about $48 000), but we need the other K15 million (about $36 000) to hold the convention.

The MCP NEC is monitoring how aspirants are financing campaigns ahead of the big meet.

MCP NEC has been getting reports that some of the aspirants are begging money to hold their campaign meetings, insisting they only want candidates with “sound financial standing” and not beggars.

“Currently, we are monitoring aspiring candidates. MCP has structures in all the districts and it is not difficult for us to get that information. We are getting reports on wherever the aspirants are getting loans to pay for their campaign costs,”.

MCP developed an eight-point checklist to scrutinise aspirants for the party’s NEC positions .

The checklist, among others, says aspirants should be persons with “good and sound” education background who have not served any other political party in Malawi and have no criminal record for the past seven years.

Apart from incumbent John Tembo, other people who have submitted nomination papers for MCP presidency are newly retired chief justice Lovemore Munlo, Malawi Assemblies of God president the Reverend Dr Lazarus Chakwera, former Cabinet minister Jodder Kanjere, former Farmers Union of Malawi (Fum) president Felix Jumbe, former secretary general Betson Majoni, the party’s former director of political affairs Eston Kakhome and secretary general Chris Daza.

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