Truth hurts especially when it is disputing lies that were told to gain sympathy. You tend to hurt the whistle blowers. Here is another truth about Peter Mutharika that will hurt most of you but just brace up. MBNV is here to enlight you Malawians.

For so long Peter and DPP gurus have been lying to Malawians that he has children in USA. One of the said children is Moyenda Mutharika who is believed to be practising Law in Washington’s Bell and Johnson Legal Firm.

When the Late President Bingu Mutharika died, we all thought we would see Moyenda and her siblings. This comes in light that all the late president’s relatives, whether distant or close were available expect for Moyenda and her sister. According to Peter, they were busy with work…what a beautiful lie.

Just recently, when Peter was arrested, it was Tapiwa, Bingu’s daughter and Callister who tool a leading role as family members. We thought Moyenda would come to be with her father in such a troubled time but to know avail.

Now, our investigations have proved beyond reasonable doubt that Moyenda Mutharika is a ghost name. She and her sister do not exist. When you search Moyenda Mutharika on google it says she works with a Washington law firm.

Bianka Jekkings is a female lawyer working at Bell and Johnson where Moyenda is said to be working. When MBNV emailed her to know more about Moyenda, here was her response.

“Hello MBNV, am sorry that I have taken so long responding to your email. I have been with BJ for 5 years but am yet to the woman you were talking about. In short, we d not have any Moyenda Mutharika here. Thanks for contacting.

when we went deeper than deep with our investigations, we found out that some IT experts were paid to design websites and create links using this ghost name of Moyenda. The photo used on these websites belong to Anabella Jones, a Nigerian woman living in Los Angels.

This now gives us more questions than answers. Why would one go to such depths of lies. What is the problem in declaring that you have no children? Malawians, is this the type of leader you want to lead Malawi.

If we you might think that we are not saying the truth, then there is only one thing that Peter and DPP can do which is, BRING Moyenda here and let Malawi see her.

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