During graduation we were told that everyone will be automatically employed but a week later akuti tipange apply ma vacancies a uphunzitsi. Anakhonza pamenepa? We were trained by them (Government) then why abandonin us at this stage?

Nurses, Policemen, Prison Warders, Immigration, Officers, soldiers, ODL and IPTE teachers, soon after trainin they were/are all being automatically employed, so why only us sec xool teachers? Ok we understand now they have shortlisted
names for the interviews for 2012 graduates but mmmmm
sizikumveka bwinobwino.

Some names are missing on the list at TSC but their names are
found at Division offices, others are missin @ the division offices but ku TSC aliko, enafe we r missing @ both offices yet we applied,
akutipo chani pamenepa?? Ndikawerenga programme book ya 2013 graduation, it says the bell that is rung signifies that am a bonafide teacher by profession in Malawi & elsewhere. Kodi
mukufuna tidzipita kuti enafe?

If there is one profession I have always been so pasionate about after being introduced to is Teaching, ndiye mukutipangazi zikutitsitsa morale.. Kenako tipanga zoti ena amu Education system-mu ayalukemo. 2012 graduates lets do something

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