When the wife of President Obama, Michelle
was in the college, there were few black girls
in her school. So she had a roommate who
was white, and the girl’s mother felt so bad
when her daughter told her she had a black
roommate (Michelle), and the woman was
angry with the school authority so the black
girl, Michelle was later removed from that
But today, the innocent black girl has now
become THE IST LADY of America. In the book
recently published about Michelle, the mother
of that white girl who was not allowed to be
Michelle’s roommate was interviewed and she
confessed how she had prevented her
daughter from being a close friend of the
wife of the President today.
MORAL: Pride destroys. Live a simple
and friendly life and God will lift U high..
Now, I prophesy to you that men or people
neglect you today will celebrate you
tomorrow. Mark these words,
READING THIS STORY”, In The Mighty Name of
Jesus Christ..

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