Fifa Medical Assessment and Research Center (F-MARC) and Football Association of Malawi in conjunction with The Ministries of Education Science and Technology, Youth and Sports and Health will hold 11 for Health football course at the Kamuzu Academy in Kasungu between August 4 and 17 ,2013.
The course will involve 600 primary school teachers from 300 primary schools across all education districts in Malawi.
According to National Project Header 11 for Health in Malawi John Kaputa the course is going to be held in two phases.
The first phase will see 300 teachers arriving at KA on Sunday August 4, 2013 while the second phase will see another 300 teachers arriving on August 11.
In the first phase the each of the following districts will send 18 teachers: Chitipa, Karonga, Rumphi, Mzuzu City, Mzimba North, Nkhatabay, Mzimba South, Kasungu, Dowa, Ntchisi, Nkhotakota, Salima, Mchinji, Lilongwe Urban, Lilongwe Rural West, and Lilongwe Rural East. Likoma Island and Dedza will send six teachers each.
In the second phase the 300 teachers will come from the following districts; Dedza, Ntcheu, Mangochi, Balaka, Machinga, Zomba Rural, Zomba Urban, Neno, Mwanza, Chikhwawa, Nsanje, Chiradzulu,Phalombe, Mulanje, Thyolo, Blantyre Urban, Blantyre Rural . Each district will send 18 teachers expect for Dedza which will send 12.
“This is the second year we are running the project. The teachers will be drilled in the general football coaching aspects as well as health messages. There are 11 health messages that will be imparted to the teachers and that is why the programme is called 11 for health.
“Some of the messages are how to prevent Malaria. How to avoid HIV and Aids as well as how to keep the body fit. These messages are supposed to be taught to the pupils using football as a tool to assemble them,” said Kaputa.
Fifa will send two instructors one from Switzerland and another from Mauritius who will lead a team of local instructors comprised of secondary school teachers who were taught last year.
At the end of the course participants will receive certificates while each represented school will get 15 balls, 30 cones, 35 bibs a pump, a whistle and coaching manual.

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