During its meeting, which attracted 156 delegates, the Anglican Church also agreed to render its support to President Joyce Banda and her government’s policies that incline towards the betterment of Malawi and its citizenry as well as offering advice accordingly.

“The Synod wishes to extend a message of good will and solidarity to the government of Malawi under the leadership of Her Excellency Dr. Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda.

“The Synod further wishes to assure the State President and the Government of the Republic of Malawi of the continued prayers during every Holy Mass Service, Special Occasion Litanies, and other prayers as are the tradition of the Church as she is striving to restore the economy through the economic recovery plan,” reads the communiqué.

The church also expressed its gratitude to fellow countrymen for allowing smooth takeover of government after the sudden death of President Bingu wa Mutharika in April last year due to cardiac arrest.

Located in the South Eastern part of Malawi, the Anglican Diocese of Upper Shire covers Mangochi, Machinga, Balaka, Dedza East, Ntcheu, Neno, Mwanza and Zomba districts with its headquarters at Chilema in Zomba.

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