Yao -simple, beautful, does not know how to refuse a man zonizo kukana mamuna ndi tchimo,good customer care,they are smart and clean zonizo baba ngati zimunadulidwe(kuumbala) yeyo zimupaona,enjoys sex,not jealousy zopano bambo Shaibu mutha kukwatira mkazi wina wachifili no problem.

Lomwe – Naughty,tight engine isa mutolowesa hamukokayi?sakhala ndi toothbrush,thieves,ulesi ndi sukulu isa ndimke kusukulu mesa ndizatokwatiwa?

Chewa – Complains too much,does not like sex styles,sasheva khaphwazi kununkha khwema too much,savala pant during weekdays odhala muti nivale pant anga mpasabata?anga mpa sonjo(sunday).

Ngoni – respect,gud lukin thanks after every sex service (zikomo mbewe,zimatha betha) dikirani mkupoteleni botha panjapa.

Sena – abusive language waaa msolo wababako, challenging ndidakhiya iwe, no secrets, noisy on sex duty iwe fulumira funa ndizipita ine.

Tumbuka – malish voice,short tempered,expensive in lobola, chisawawa aliyense mlongosi.